This stretch of coast is extremely picturesque and offers magnificent views, to be tackled strictly by state road (not runway), state road that until just over 15 years ago was the only route between Palermo and Messina.
For this itinerary, given the amount of possible activities, we suggest you to follow the state road towards Palermo to the Buonfornello junction, then reach the capital on the highway, but also the state road reserve pleasant views (with the unic exception of the industrial agglomeration east of Termini Imerese).
From only 10 km our signalman’s lodging there is the famous “Targa Florio” circuit, a motoring competition that wound through fantastic scenery on the Madonie mountains and their beautiful villages. Celebrating historical re-enactments of cars and motorcycles, the fans of this race can spend a few days at our house organizing their stay during the event reminiscent of interest.